Friday, September 15, 2006

College Retreat

Last weekend was the Western Christian College (WCC) Retreat. Check out the school website at if you're interested. The majority of our college class went out to Dallas Valley Ranch Camp for the weekend. It's an annual tradition that allows the class to bond with each other and with the staff. Since we are such a small college it isn't really hard to get to know everyone but sometimes with the hectic life of college students it just doesn't happen. The weekend was a lot of fun. Jason Bandura, a WCC graduate who now preaches at Glen Elm Church of Christ here in Regina, came and spoke to us. We also heard our Dean, Stan Helton, and Professor, Blair Roberts, share with us. The weekend was full of laughter!!! I don't think I've laughed that uncontrolably so many times in one weekend. I don't even remember the last time I laughed as hard as I did at this weekend. We sang, we shared and we built community. I am so thankful that God has brought each student here this year and that we have this year to learn together and to serve together. This is going to be a GREAT year!

These are my two friends, Jennifer and Jennifer. :) We ussually differentiate them as Jenn and Jennifer who has also become known as "la rojo." Great girls whom I love dearly! This picture was taken at Tim Horton's on our way out to the retreat...Yay for Ice Caps from Timmy ho's!

One of the things that made the weekend so great was spontaneous worship. Whether accapella or with the guitars, it was all great. The guy with his back to you is my buddy and distant cousin Brett. Going clockwise around the circle is Tim, Dan, Jonie, Jennifer (aka la rojo) and then Jenn is just sneeking in to the corner of the picture with the back of her head.

We were lining up for supper and I started to give Jenn a massage she in turn massaged Jennifer who in turn got Carly. The next thing I knew everyone had gotten involved. I jumped out of line to get a picture of this kodak moment.

The whether was not what I would call warm but it wasn't cold either. Some of us were bold enough to go on the zipline and brave the VERY cold water. I only dipped my toes in. I may be silly but I'm not stupid! This picture is of Amelia and Lisa Vance (WCC president's wife) dipping their toes in . Lisa wass one of the brave ones who actually went on the zipline. More than once if I remember correctly.

I'm looking forward to being able to write many future entries about memories made with these amazing people that I am blessed to be spending this school year with!

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