Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Music

This year's annual musical performance at WCC was The Sound of Music. I remember being surprised when Dwight told me which musical we were doing. To be honest I was worried. The Sound of music is probably the most well known musical out there and that puts a lot of pressure on for a great performance. This year I didn't audition for a major role because I knew I didn't have the time to commit it. I played the role of Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper, and I sang in the nun choir. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. I can't say that I'm sad that it's over. I'm thankful for the experience and I am also thankful that now I have more time to focus on my studies. Last year it was almost depressing when musical was finished. (We did Narnia, better known as The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) Maybe it was because I had a larger role (the white witch) and was a lot more involved, I'm not really sure. We were able to pull together a pretty good show this year with the hard work of a lot of people, actors, set designers, make-up and costume crews, stage crews and a great director and a fantastic music director. I don't have any performance pictures to share yet but I do have some backstage shots for you to see.

My roomate, Joyce looking very nunish!

Pamela, the crocheting nun...I spent a lot of time backstage so I thought I'd make good use of it.

This is Brett as Captain Von Trapp, and I as a nun. I don't have any pictures of me as Frau Schmidt. Oh well.

Ryan Emmons, the very giddy Nazi guard.


Anonymous said...

It looks so great!!!! Wish I could have seen it! :) ~how do you solve a problem like Maria...~

Anonymous said...

Look who's all close and cuddly with Brett now! ;D

Anonymous said...

My,my, don't these new aged nuns wear lots of makeup. Tisk tisk, hugging a man ;)

You look good Pamela