Friday, November 30, 2007

He Needs a Name

Before you continue reading you need to be made aware that is going to be an interactive post. That means that you, the reader, are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to leave a comment. I know that most of you struggle with the whole leave a comment thing and would rather just lurk but I need your help.

Two weeks ago Michelle, my sister, was in town for the weekend. Before she headed home she came by my workplace to drop off an early birthday present for me. It was a fish that we had seen in a pet store earlier in the weekend. It was love at first sight. He is the most beautiful Betta (commonly known as a Siamese Fighting Fish) that I have ever seen. The pictures posted below really don't do him justice. In most light he looks purple and pink but in the pictures he looks more blue and red. The pictures weren't exactly easy to get either, I think the little guy is camera shy. At the pet store I jokingly told Michelle that she should get me the fish for my birthday. I then went on to comment that I couldn't have a fish because I will be leaving for India very shortly and won't be able to care for it. Apparently she decided that I needed to have the fish despite my travel plans.

When I transfered the fish from his travel baggy to his much more spacious fish bowl condo I made a discovery. My beautiful little Betta has only one eye! He has a left eyeball but no right eyeball. I'm not sure if he was born that way or if he suffered some kind of injury.

My birthday Betta pictured from his good side.

See what I mean, no right eye!

As I tried to think of a name for my little fish I decided that I didn't really want his name to be related to the fact that he is disfigured. The first name that I thought of was Phantom, for The Phantom of the Opera, but like I said I'm not so sure that I want his name to be derived from his disfigurement. So this is where you come in. I need help naming my pretty little one eyed fish. The poor little guy has been living with me now for two weeks and he's still nameless. Please leave a comment with your name ideas, consider it your birthday gift to me. Once a name has been decided on I'll post again letting you all know the little guy's new name and who gets the credit for thinking it up.


Monica said...

Sorry, nothing original... Swimmy?
I tried!

Heather said...

He looks velvety - so I was thinking Velvet - but that sounds like a girl name and you refer to your fish as a "he" so...


armacleod said...


or my favorite from a certain lion movie


Anonymous said...

I was thinking Samson.

Anonymous said...

The Samson name was from Joyce. I always seem to forget to leave my name. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a Tom, or how about Shadow or turkey-LURKER? Jim.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you like your fish even if you had to leave him so soon! That's funny that your fish is camera shy seeing as how my fish is such a poser! When I took Zack's pic he totally just floated in the middle of his tank and fanned his pretty fins, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hate to be a wet blanket but... Your Betta really needs a bigger bowl/tank at least 2.5 gallons with some fake or live plant, gravel at the bottom and maybe a cave for him to hide behind. Also he needs a heater so that your water will stay around 78 degrees. Bettas are very mistrated animals, especially by pet stores. Don't always listen to your petstore because a lot of the people don't really know about fish and they just want you to buy it.

If your betta doesnt ave any hiding places or a heater he will get sick much easier and very stressed. This means he will be unhappy and pass away much sooner.

If you treat your betta properly he will be much more active and start building "bubble nests".

for more informatin you can go to Bettafish dot com where you can ask questions and get answers from other hobbyists.

as for a name how about Cyclops?