Sunday, February 11, 2007

Let's Start Talking

Every time I sit down and try to catch up on reading people's blogs, I find more blogs of people I know. This whole blogging thing has become an epidemic! Just kidding, I love it. What a great way to stalk those special people in your lives...Just kidding again. In all seriousness, blogs are a great way to keep up to date on peoples lives and read some very deep insights on all sorts of topics. It's also a great way to share what's going on in my own life and any deep insights I might have.

Right now the most exciting thing going on in my life is that I am training a Let's Start Talking (LST) team. This is the first time that I have ever trained a team. My first experience with LST was a six week project in Kiev, Ukraine in the summer of 2000. My second LST experience was a six week project in Tallinn, Estonia in the summer of 2001. I have a lot of good memories from both of those projects! God did a lot of forming in my life through those two experiences. He introduced me to the world outside of the little Saskatchewan bubble that I had grown up in. He created an awareness and a love inside of me for all of the people in this world who do not know Him. He kindled a desire in me to go and share His love with those people! God has used the LST ministry to change my life. It was through LST that I ended up living in Itu, Brazil and working with the Igreja de Cristo there. Last summer when I went back to work with the congregation I got to play host to an LST team. And this year I am training a team to go back with me. I think that God has called me to help other young people to have the same eye-opening, faith-building, and life-changing experiences that he blessed me with.

Right now I would ask you all to pray for me as I work to train my team. This is a first for me and I feel inadequate for the task. Pray that God would empower me with His Holy Spirit so that he would be glorified. Pray for my team as we come together. Recruiting was a difficult task and I believe that God is still bringing people to join this team. Pray for us as we petition people to join with us financially in this work. Pray for the people that we will meet this summer, pray that God would prepare their hearts to hear His message. Pray for the congregation in Itu and pray for that there will be bonds of friendship built between our readers and the Christian family there. Pray that God would be glorified by all that we do.

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