Monday, April 23, 2007


So yesterday I unofficially graduated. I say unofficially because I'm still lacking one of my required classes. It's a cultural anthropology class that I will be taking next month at Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas. I had a blast yesterday even though I'm not really finished. My immediate family was all here as well as my grandmother and my friends Lisa and Paul with my little niece, Cadence. It was great to have them here with me to celebrate. This whole college thing has been a long road for me. I did it a little different than most taking four years off in the middle of it all. looking back I wouldn't have chosen to do it any other way because those four years contributed immensely to my education! It's been a road filled with many joys and many challenges. I have many fond memories to look back upon and I look forward with great anticipation for what God has in store for me.

Here I am receiving the Dean's Award. Definitely unexpected.

Here I am receiving the Alumni Award for highest grade point average...also VERY unexpected!

Blair Robert's and I, the bachelor degree candidates.

Receiving my "diploma".

Carolyn McMillan introducing me.

Waiting, and feeling a little awkward.

Being hooded.

Attempting to get through my speech without crying.

The faculty and the baccalaureate recipients.

Note that Jennifer is holding my tassel so it doesn't blow into my face. Thanks Jennifer! Who's idea was it to take pictures outside in the wind anyway??


Me again.

Paul called me a walking baby toy with my honors cord, hood, tassel, hair, earrings...Cadence couldn't decide which to pull on first!

Lisa, Me, Paul and Cadence

Grandma, me, Mom, Dirk and Michelle.

Grandma, Dad, me, Mom, Dirk and Michelle.

With the Parents.

The next graduate.

Lisa and I waiting at Red Lobster.

Cadence playing with her spoon.

Self Portrait.

I love this little girl!

With my Mommy.

And my Grandmommy.

Bestest Friends!

I love this lady bunches and bunches!

Here I am without the big black getup and funny hat.

The full view.

And my favorite part of the day was that I had a super good hair day!


Madame Angela Baggett said...


ann said...

Woooooo hoo! A million congrats! Once again, I'm so proud of you and happy for you!!! The dress is gorgeous, and your hair is amazing! What a hottie!!!!!!!! Love you dear! Can't wait to see you in A FEW SHORT WEEKS!

Shelley said...

Your hair looks awesome!!!!! I can not wait to see you!!!! Love ya!

Jackie said...

CONGRATS! You look great! You worked hard. It must be nice to finally be done (I know the feeling) and I know God has amazing plans for you!