Monday, April 30, 2007

Who Reads This Thing Anyway?

I confess! I am guilty! I read people's blogs and they probably have no idea that I read them. Since jumping on the blogging bandwagon a little more than nine months ago I have been amazed at how many blogs I have found of people I know, or at least used to know. I don't necessarily read them all on a regular basis but I do drop by on occasion. A lot of them have a lot more important things to say than I do and they're way funnier than me too! I've decided that my days of secretly lurking on blogs should be over. I'm going to post comments on the blogs that I visit so that people at least know and can say, "Hey, look at that, Pamela reads my blog!' I've been discovering recently that I have my own lurkers. A friend commented (verbally) the other day about my grad pictures. I didn't even know that she read my blog! I want to encourage those of you who are lurking here to reveal yourselves to me! I realize that a lot of what I write isn't stirring enough to warrant leaving a comment but I hope you'll leave one just to say you've been here. If you look to your right there's a brand new map telling me where you are but not who you are. I've lurked on enough blogs to see a number of these maps and they're kind of a neat idea. So I'm jumping on a another bandwagon, the ClustrMap bandwagon! Maybe you want to join me and get your own? Whether you want the map or not I hope you'll let me know that your reading.


ann said...

I read it! :) bjussss

Monica said...

I read it!

Anonymous said...

I'm lurking on your blog, ever find out who sent you those flowers, I'm with your sister, there definitely is a secret admirer. Lucky you!
Alicia Sass

Anonymous said...

I check this from time to time. I always feel flattered when you put pictures of Cadence on. Love me, love my baby.
Lisa Little

Valerie said...

Okay, okay--I admit it, I'm a lurker!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog. I'm sorta addicted to reading about other peoples lives, though sometimes do not respond as one can only handle so many tracy-trying-to-be-funny/silly responses before going "ugh...not again" ;)