Monday, May 14, 2007


Go ahead and laugh, I certainly did! This is the largest t-shirt I have ever seen in my life!!!! Last week when I was in Saskatoon, Dirk pulled this shirt out to show me. As soon as he held it up I started to laugh. When he put it on I laughed even harder. When he told me to put it on I was practically in hysterics before I even had it over my head. The story behind this is that My brother had ordered a t-shirt from his Radio Controlled Racing club. He had ordered a 3x having been told it should be big enough. It turned out that it wasn't. So this time around he decided to order the same size of t-shirt as he buys from Mark's Work Warehouse. Apparently no one sizes anything the same because his 5XL shirts from Mark's are WAY smaller than this thing! Occasionally when I have seen something on TV about severely obese people I have been curious as to where they find clothes large enough to fit them. I can't believe t-shirts even come this large. Dirk and I should have taken a picture of us both wearing the shirt at the same time because we seriously could have fit with maybe some room to spare. It is a short-sleeve t-shirt but note how it reaches my wrists! This thing could clothe a small country! When I took it off and folded it up it was reminiscent of folding bedsheets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for Mark's shoppers (I work there). That looks insane for a 5XL & I sold a few of that size this morning so know they are not nearly that huge (though I do have a customer who would have liked us to have carried that grand a sizing! Sheesh)

Careful not to blow away with your new "parashute" Pamela.