Monday, June 25, 2007

An Elementary School Visit

A few weeks ago we were invited by one of the church members to come and visit the elementary school where he works and visit with his students. Coleguinha, who now goes by his real name, Rafael, is the one who invited us. This week we were able to go. Coleguinha's class had prepared some questions for the three of us and so we had fun answering their questions and asking them questions.

Coleguinha with his class.

Katie and Lucas answering questions.

Two or three classes were brought together and we were able to go outside and they taught us some Brazilian games that kids like to play. One was a cat and mouse kind of game which everyone really seemed to enjoy. We ended our time outside with something Katie and Lucas have been waiting for since we arrived, soccer.

A group shot of us with Coleguinha and his students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have really enjoyed reading &
sharing your blog with others.
It was so good to see your faces and some of your activities.
Although I did not cry in the airport, I do have to admit I shed a few as I first read of all the wonderful things you guys are doing.
Pamela your Grandma was the one who reminded me of your blog. She was concerned wed. nite because she hadn't heard. She said Jewel tells me that she has some kind of a blog now so whe doesn't email. I sent your blog onto Nina Willett where she read your emails, but Nina says they are coming across to small to read. I will go in to Nina's today to see if I can get it enlarged.
Thanks so much for taking the time to blog. Prayers & Cares Diane