Monday, June 25, 2007

Some Pics of Week Three And Our Festa Junina

We are at the end of our third week here in Brazil and I can hardly believe that our project is half over. It has been so great getting to know my readers and becoming friends with them. Every reading session that I have I am humbled by what God is doing. Some of my readers are really beginning to open up to me and be honest about their beliefs, doubts and fears. I am amazed at how quickly friendships are grown in a situation such as this.

This is my reader Camila. She is 14 years old and she can speak wonderful English. She has been coming and reading 3 times per week. Each week she has brought me a different kind of cake. This was brigadeiro....yummy! She is planning on going to the bilingual camp that the church will be holding next week.

Silvana and I read together while I lived in Itu. She not only participated in LST conversation classes but also in an English Bible study that I lead at a local English school. She and I have been reviewing the Luke workbook so that we can continue on where she left off 2 years ago.

Katie and her reader Daniele.

This is Lucas times 2.

This is my reader Ana. She studies with Camila. She is also going to the bilingual camp next week.

Here is Katie with her reader Ana. Ana's mother, Magda, reads with me and her brother, Matteus, reads with Lucas. I've had the pleasure of visiting with Ana quite a bit and she is an absolute doll!

This week was my turn to plan the party. This weeks party was a Brazilian style party. In June and sometimes into July Brazilians like to have what they call, Festa Junina, which means Little June Party. The long and the short of it is that everyone dresses up like Brazilian hillbillies, eat a lot of traditional food and deserts and play some typical carnival type games like ring tosses and fishing ponds. It is also traditional to have a big bon-fire but as we were having our party in the church building we couldn't easily have one of those. A big thank you needs to go out to my favorite little brother, Victor. He helped so much with this weeks party, buying food and helping me find all of the supplies. Thank you Victor!!!!

Lucas, trying his hand at the fishing pond.

Katie and Fernando fishing away.

Resting after some tiring Festa Junina dancing.

Lucas's readers, Patricia and Luis came dressed up like Caipiras. This is the typical dress for the Festa Juninas.

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