Saturday, April 05, 2008

The New Do

Autumn asked me to take her to the salon to get a hair cut the other day. You might think that's no big deal but maybe you've forgotten that we're in India where English is not always prevalent. Thankfully I was able to communicate to the lady in the salon that Autumn wanted her hair cut. I think the successful communication was more due to my acting skills than anyones ability to understand what I was saying. The lady who cut Autumn's hair had her friend take about a million pictures of us on her cell phone when it was all over and done with. There really is no end to this crazy Indian paparazzi!

Forgot to get a before shot but here she is mid cut.

And here we are afterward, posing for the paparazzi ...Can you believe that Autumn is only 12??

P.S. It's not too late. There's still a bunch of my students who need someone to pray for them. Please go and check it out here.

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