Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Praying For My Kids

I want to thank all of you who have committed to pray for one of the students from the Bread of Life Academy at Kalapani. If you check out the post you will see that I've added a couple of pictures of new students who have started attending school since I first posted. There are still 14 children who do not yet have someone praying for them. Some of you have already offered to take on a second child to pray for. I appreciate your willingness to cover these kids in prayer. I am still hoping that some more people will join in the opportunity to pray for these kids.

Most of the students at the academy are Nepali and come from Hindu families. I remember when we first visited the school Ray talked about how working with these children would be like planting seeds in soil that has never been cultivated before. He later talked about how we can only imagine what these little people are going to grow up to do and the impact that they might have on their families, their village, their country and their world. Over the last three months I have come to love each and every one of these kids so much. As I tell them stories of God's love twice a week I ache for them to know the love of Jesus. My prayer for each of them is that they will have great and godly impacts on their families, their village, their country and the world.

If you haven't yet committed to pray for one of these precious children please go and choose one whose name is still in white. Leave a comment and let me know who you are praying for.

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