Friday, December 21, 2007

Ten More Random Memories

After writing that ten random memory post I've been thinking of more and more random memories so I'm going to post ten more.

Memory 1 Going over to Lisa's house one evening when her parents were out. We were in the downstairs suite talking. I didn't have permission to spend the night but we decided to pretend like we had fallen asleep down there so that her parents wouldn't be angry that I was still there. Whenever they did finally get home they were actually happy that I was still there so that Lisa hadn't been left alone.

Memory 2 Building "remotes" out of Lego with my brother and pretending that the dragon flies were our remote control helicopters.

Memory 3 My sister calling my brother and I her "kids" back before she was old enough to go to school. It used to drive me absolutely nuts!

Memory 4 I think this one is my earliest memory but I'm not sure how old I was. I was crying but I don't know why and I remember my mom picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom. She was singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" you know the whole "you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town" I also remember her setting me onto the vanity in the bathroom and that's about all I remember. It's a good memory. I love my mom!

Memory 5 Deciding that I wanted to run away from home. My plan was to go live in the hayloft in the barn and sneak into the house at night time to get food. I never did go through with it although I remember occasionally climbing up into the hayloft while mulling over the idea in my mind.

Memory 6 The one and only time I was ever "grounded." I wanted to go outside and play with my friends. My mom had told me I couldn't but I went anyway. When I came back inside later that evening she told me what my punishment was going to be. My class was going on a field trip to see the play "A Christmas Carol" and I was no longer going to be permitted to go. She even made me explain to my teacher why I couldn't go with them. To this day I'm sad that I missed out on seeing that performance.

Memory 7 Riding mattresses down the stairwell in the girls dorms at WCC in Dauphin.

Memory 8 Being in the hospital in Dauphin after having my appendix removed. A bunch of people from school came to visit me and I remember Luke Deal saying that I was only faking it because I didn't want to go to school. I also remember Crystal Downton making me laugh so hard my incision opened up a bit. After I was released from the hospital I got to go stay with Mabel Bailey so that I could rest more than if I went back to living in the dorms. We played Scrabble and I lost terribly!

Memory 9 Having a "slip and slide" in my "backyard" in Brazil. The yard was long and narrow and was done entirely in ceramic tile. We had the youth group from church over as well as all the neighbor kids. We flooded the yard and put some soap out. We set out some empty 2 litre bottles and the kids did human bowling. at one point I slipped and fell and hit my head pretty hard, that's when the fun ended for me.

Memory(ies) 10 I remember when my grandma used to still live out on the farm near Ogema. I used to love going to visit her, I still do for that matter. I remember lots of things from those visits to that house, usually holidays like Easter or Christmas. I remember that on the door to the basement she had a place where she would mark all the grandkids heights when we came to visit. I remember playing on the piano in the basement. I remember the sliding door to the very small bathroom. I remember the rotating shelf in the corner cupboard. I remember that she always had grapes for us to eat. I remember the fireplace. I remember the big picture window with the goopy black cocking around the edges. I remember getting Fisher Price Roller skates for Christmas one year. I remember falling backwards off a stool at the dinner table because I forgot I was sitting on a stool and thought it was a chair. I remember dying Easter eggs at her kitchen table. I remember lots of family gathered together. Lot's of good memories!

Oh and by the way, it's 1:30 in the morning as I am about to post this and there are 19 days left until I leave for India.

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