Monday, March 05, 2007

Homesickness in the Words of Allen Close

This morning I worshipped with the Northwest Church of Christ family on WCC's campus. This morning's service was the windup to Northern Light, WCC's Youth Rally. Brothers, Allen and John Close were the keynote speakers. Allen used to preach at my home congregation in Saskatoon. I didn't attend the weekend but I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to hear Allen speak. I've always enjoyed the authenticity and enthusiasm that Allen brings to his lessons. This mornings message was no different. What Allen shared was very much along the same line as my last couple of posts on homesickness for heaven. As I've written about homesickness I've tried to convey something that I think Allen put very clearly. "The closer we get to God the lonelier for him we become because we know that we can't fully be with him yet." Allen talked about how this loneliness is a good thing. Being lonely for God means longing to be with him. Allen prayed that we would all feel lonely for God. That is my prayer for myself and for all of God's followers that we would all experience a very real sense of homesickness/loneliness for our heavenly Father.


Anonymous said...

Hey honey! I miss you like mad! Danny and I talk about you, and the rest of our western gang quite often. We should have a reunion! Anywho... I am so glad that you found me, cuz I like you! I have a problem though, in true kara form, I can not for the life of me get back into my blogger account. It made me swich to the beta blogger, and now I can't get in. So... I prolly won't be blogging for a while. But I will deffinatly be reading yours!

Lovies, Kara Deal
(Luke says hi back!)

armacleod said...

Homesick for God. That's a neat idea. In that way, I start to realize how much none of us really belong here on this Earth and yet we are from here. So I guess home is not where the heart is as much as where God is.