Friday, March 09, 2007

Words of Wisdom to Live By Today

Proverbs 4:25-27

During my Spring Break I took what we at Western Christian College refer to as a block class. I've heard lots of names for them but basically it is an entire class smooshed into one week. The class I took was on Poetic and Wisdom Literature and was taught by a guest professor, Dr Paul L. Watson. It was a great class and I thoroughly enjoyed it, no matter how bitter I was that I didn't actually get a spring break.

We were given a class project to produce a volume entitled "Words of Wisdom to Live By Today." We are to collect, from our friends and families, sayings that provide wisdom for daily living. My class is then going to compile and arrange all of the sayings that we gather into a document that will eventually end up in WCC's library. I am putting a petition out to all of you, my friends in the blogging world, to share your words of wisdom with me as a comment to this post. These could be words someone close to you has shared with you or something that you have picked up along that way that has proven to be useful in your daily living. Do me a favour and tell your friends to come and share their words of wisdom as well. Thanks in advance for your help with this project. In closing I'll share a couple of Brazilian proverbs with you:

Curta que a vida é curta. Which, translated means, Enjoy every moment because life is short. I like this one because there is a play on words. The word curta means both to enjoy and short.

Se Correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come. This one translated says that, If you run the beast will catch you, if you stay the beast will eat you.


armacleod said...

Carpe Diem:

Seize the day.

But you knew that one already.

JustJenn said...

"Be Still and Know
that I am God!"

One of my favorite worship songs, it brings great comfort and encouragement... I say this line all the time to try to encourage others as well... not that I am saying 'I' am God... well you get what I mean...

God Bless