Friday, January 04, 2008

Thank You!

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to some very special people. I have been blessed by the financial support of so many individuals over the years. I can't even begin to name names but you know who you are. The process of fundraising is a very humbling experience and I am always encouraged by how generously people give to help further God's kingdom. I want to give a special thanks to all of those who have joined in helping me to go to India. My decision to go was not made very many months in advance but with the help of many people the funds have quickly come together. There is still a little way to go but I know that God will continue to provide. I also want to thank everyone that has lifted me up in prayer and shared words of encouragement with me. Prayer is essential to the success of what I am embarking on and I thank you for remembering me when you go before our Father. The words of encouragement that I have received are priceless to me. Knowing that you all are backing me up means the world to me. The words "thank you" just don't seem to say enough.

Oh and by the way, there are 4 days left until I leave for India.

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