Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Introducing Mervin

This is Mervin. Mervin is a rooster (In case you couldn't tell). Outside our bedroom window is an empty lot. Mervin lives on the other side of the empty lot. We had to give him a name in order to prevent Raysha from killing him. You see, Mervin likes to crow really early in the morning. He starts at about 3AM and crows every few minutes or so. He doesn't seem to understand that he should only crow when the sun is rising, or maybe even later than that! Our relationship with Mervin is a rocky one. We say good morning to Mervin but we aren't always glad to see him.

On a little side note, somehow I managed to delete all of Raysha's pictures off of her SD card tonight. I'm really not sure how I managed to do it. Thankfully I have all of her India pictures saved on my computer. Her pictures from Christmas however, are lost forever. I feel absolutely sick about it! She doesn't seem too upset but I still feel sick! Considering I was looking for a picture of Mervin when it happened, I blame him!


Tim said...

Whatever... everyone knows Roosters only crow in the morning around sunrise - or that's what I thought before I went to India! Thanks for the updates.

Anonymous said...

Hey I am wondering if you have pigs too as they did when we visited in Imphal!!
Enjoy the roosters....there is no way to get away from them!!Ha

Anonymous said...

You might still be able to rescue those pictures as long as you haven't saved too many more on the SD card since you erased them.

Try a program like this:

Nadine Janzen said...

raysha about to kill a chicken i can't believe it..i happen to know that she is an expert at putting chickens to sleep...taught by the best..anyways tell her i love her and have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Earplugs are the answer. An essential item when you have roosters anywhere within a mile of your bedroom.