Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday Site Seeing

We saw a lot of things today while we were out and about that weren't necessarily related to the Holi festival. We drove up a big hill to check out the view and we visited a Hindu temple while were there. After that we took a little walk around Nehru Park. Here's some pictures.

Here they are checking out the view half way up the big hill.

A view of the Brahma Putra River from where we stopped about half way up the hill.

This sign was at the top of the hill.

Another view of the river.

Mary with Kuldip (pronounced Cool Deep), our driver. He was the only guy with a Sumo full of ladies today.

I love this picture!

This one was taken on the way back down.

Mary at Nehru Park.

Love these girls!

The first time we went to this park Raysha was terrified by this swing. I think she overcame her fear today.

Perhaps they're both a little old for this one.

These guys came and had their picture taken with Ellen, Andrea, Mary and me while Autumn and Raysha were playing on the swing. Then they wanted one with Autumn and Raysha when they had finished playing. We whities really draw the paparazzi here in India. haha

I'm not sure who the statue is of.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi Pamela! Again thanks for the all the pictures...
That swing looks wicked but fun!
I'm an elephant lover so I loved those benches with the elephant ends - cool.