Monday, March 10, 2008

Moving Stairs???

Apparently Indians aren't accustomed to using escalators. I witnessed it first hand earlier this week when I watched numerous peoeple trying to figure out how to get on an escalator at a newly opened department store by our house. Even funnier than watching them trying to figure out how to get on was watching them trying to get off! I actually saw a woman fall down on her way up. Luckily she wasn't injured and she got her purse and her shoe back before she had to get back off. It was maybe the funniest thing I've seen since coming to India. I noticed that she and her friend took the elevator back down to the ground floor later. Probably the safer option for her. And just so you don't think I am completely awful, I held in my laughter until the woman was no where to be seen.

And now, for your viewing pleasure...

This guy was outside the new department store along with 4 guys walking around on stilts. I think they were trying to draw in customers. The funniest part was that as Ellen was taking my picture one of the guys who worked for the store ran over and took my picture on his cell phone. I have a hard time fending off the Indian paparazzi some days. haha :)

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