Friday, March 07, 2008

The Salwar Trio

A couple of weeks ago I bought my very first Indian outfit. A Salwar to be exact. I needed to make some small alterations on it before I could wear it. I was a little self conscious about wearing it for the first time. Everyone who knows us is used to us wearing "Western" clothing and not traditional Indian clothing, including the neighborhood people who stare at us walking by everyday. I guess I didn't really feel like giving them something else to talk about. I thought I would feel better about it if Raysha was wearing one too. She got one last weekend when we went to Siliguri. I actually bought a second one while we were there but it's too big and I need to take it in before I can wear it. Raysha, Autumn and I all wore our Salwars on the same day. It was a fun day. In the end I think Raysha was more self conscious about it than I was. I've decided that I absolutely love Salwars! They don't do much for the figure but they're comfortable and very modest. I appreciate that about the way the Indian women dress. Very different from some of the other cultures I have experienced where modesty is not always a priority.

The Salwar Trio. :)

Here's the full view. It was a little windy and very sunny, hence the squinting.


Miss McMillan said...

Beautiful! I love the salwar- it's my dream dress because it's so comfy but still looks so good!

Anonymous said...

Looks very nice Pamela!