Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Ants Go Marching One by One

No one in our house is singing "Hurrah, Hurrah" about the ants. And in our case they aren't marching one by one or even two by two, they are marching by the thousands and maybe even millions! This morning at breakfast Ellen shared about how she and Ray had discovered ants IN THEIR BED during the early hours of the morning. Ray had felt them biting him and upon further inspection they found literally thousands of ants crawling between their two mattresses. They set to work with our handy dandy bug spray and then used the dust buster to clean up all the dead ones. It really is getting ridiculous. Tonight I discovered that my laptop had been infested. I sustained a number of bites before I realized where they were coming from. I'm sure I've killed at least 80 of them as they've crawled out of the keyboard and vents. They're still coming out every so often. I really am beginning to HATE ants.

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